أطلقت جمعية المكتبات الأمريكية American Library Association (ALA) نوعاً جديداً من الاتصالات في عالم المكتبات وهو موقع "American Libraries Live" وهو خدمة مجانية تقدم طرق ووسائل جديدة ومثيرة لاستكشاف القضايا الهامة في مجال المكتبات، وهو موقع يبث عروض فيديو مجانية والتى يمكنك مشاهدتها من منزلك، ومكتبتك، أو أثناء التنقل.
هذه البرامج تسمح لك بمشاهدة العروض عن قضايا واتجاهات المكتبات وذلك في وقتها. أدرها وتفاعل مع الحاضرين الضيوف عن طريق الدردشة الحية للحصول على إجابات فورية لأسئلتك الهامة.
ويُتاح الموقع من خلال الرابط التالي: http://americanlibrarieslive.org/
هذا ويقدم الموقع ندوة مهنية مجانية، فيما يلي تفاصيلها:
Mobile Services: The Library in Your Pocket
Date & Time: Thursday, February 14
2:00pm Eastern | 1:00pm Central | 12:00 noon Mountain | 11:00am Pacific
Description: Mobile devices are everywhere - smartphones, tablets, and other devices are transforming the worlds of education and librarianship. With change coming so quickly it can be hard to stay on the cutting edge. In this week’s episode of American Libraries Live librarian and gadget guru Jason Griffey will be joined by experts Maurice Coleman and Robin Hastings to discuss the key issues that librarians face in dealing with mobile technology and how these rapidly evolving devices create new opportunities for library service.
Hosted by: Jason Griffey
Jason Griffey is an associate professor and head of library information technology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. His book, Mobile Technology and Libraries, is available as a part of ALA Neal Schuman's Tech Set® #1-10. He is the author of the American Libraries Perpetual Beta blog, and is also a columnist for the ALA Techsource blog. He was named one of Library Journal's Movers and Shakers in 2009 and is regularly invited to speak on libraries, the social economy, mobile technology, and other technology-related issues.
Maurice Coleman has been the technical trainer at Harford County Public Library in northeast Maryland for seven years and has had a consulting practice since the 1990's. He has 20 years of experience training all ages how to sensibly use technology and computer hardware and software. Maurice hosts the library training podcast T is for Training.
Robin Hastings is the Director of Technology Services for the North East Kansas Library System in Lawrence. In that capacity, she provides consulting services for libraries in the NEKLS region and manages the NEKLS tech staff who provide technology assistance for those libraries as well.
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